PinnedDetecting air carrier from video using object detection models and GPT-4o’s vision capabilityI have seen multiple flights flying by from my window, and when I see the tail livery, I often find myself wondering what the name of the…Mar 2Mar 2
PinnedAzure Data Factory (ADF)— Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)Continuous integration is the practice of testing each change made to your codebase automatically and as early as possible. Continuous…Mar 3, 20243Mar 3, 20243
PinnedMy notes from DeepLearning.AI’s course on Advanced Retrieval for AI with ChromaThe new course from DeepLearning.AI with Chroma brings together various experiences from the field that could be used to improve the…Jan 7, 2024Jan 7, 2024
PinnedDev-ops and ML pipelines for ML engineersML engineers should be conversant with pipelines. Many of the machine learning, data engineering, and dev-ops processes can be effectively…Oct 16, 2022Oct 16, 2022
Pinned3 ways to integrate machine learning into your systemsIntegrating outputs from machine learning models in batch mode is one of the most widely used patterns in the industry to leverage machine…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
Release Python projects with GitHub ActionsAutomating repetitive tasks is key to maintaining efficiency and consistency in software development. One such task is packaging and…Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Setting Up a Jupyter Kernel in Visual Studio Code Using CondaJupyter Notebooks have become an essential tool in data science and machine learning. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an incredibly…Aug 24, 2024Aug 24, 2024
Azure AI search for RAG use casesAzure AI Search (formerly known as “Azure Cognitive Search”) provides secure information retrieval at scale over user-owned content in…Aug 24, 2024Aug 24, 2024
Finding K closest vectors using heaps in PythonWhen it comes to efficiently solving problems that involve finding the top ‘K’ elements from a dataset, heaps provide an elegant solution…Aug 11, 2024Aug 11, 2024
Managing Prompt Templates in Python with JinjaWhen working on dynamic text generation, whether it’s for generating personalized emails, or for generating prompts for different user…Aug 4, 2024Aug 4, 2024